Tackling Misconceptions - The oppression of women in Islam.

Xig • In the honourable words of Howard Moon - "I`m the fighter, you little tit-box."

As a Muslim woman, I can’t help but feel as though I’m walking around with labels all over me. I can see people’s strong opinions of me just by how they’re looking at me. As though my clothing is a prison. As though my opinions are made for me. As though my husband speaks on my behalf. As though I have no prospects, no job, no education. As though I have no sense of self worth. This list is endless.

As this is most definitely not the case, I feel it is important that we discuss what being a woman in or around Islam means to each of us.

Things to consider:

What has your journey been like up to now, as a woman, in or around Islam?

What do you love about being a woman in or around Islam?

Before practicing, accepting or learning about Islam, did you have any misconceptions about a woman’s standing Islam?

What standing and what role do women of Islam have? And what roles have they played in Islamic history?