How to get over someone?


So I was in a relationship with a guy that I had thought was amazing, wonderful, and was just totally infatuated with. And boy when they say “love is blind” well isn’t that the truth. Anyways we dated for about 2 months and we did everything together. He would take me out, took me to see his family many times, he would call me all the time, text, FaceTime, just made me feel really happy. Anyways I ended up having sex with him (letting you know that this was my first time.). An I know that that was a short amount of time and I am not proud of myself for it because I have waited for a very long time in making sure I stayed a virgin, 18 years in fact. then to just do it with him...😞 Well I will tell you I did feel guilty afterwards, but my intentions were innocent and pure with him. Can’t say his were the same. It’s been about a month since we’ve broken up and it doesn’t hurt as much, but still hurts pretty bad and I can’t stop thinking about him no matter how hard I try. And no matter how much I want to I can’t not miss him and I hate that. I want to just be over him already. So if anyone has any suggestions on how to get over and move on from someone PLESAE let me know!