Wanting to stop birth control ?


So I’ve noticed my milk supply is decreasing after I’ve been taking the mini pill. So I told my SO I’m thinking to stop taking the pill for the baby and this is what he said to. “You better not stop taking them, you have so much milk in freezer plus you’ve given away your milk when you could’ve used for the baby. But no you gave it away for free on top of that “

I gave my milk to a mom who wanted her baby to be feed breastmilk. She had breast cancer and had to remove both of her breast I gave her 70 bags of 6oz milk I had that didn’t even fit in the freezer since he didn’t want me to have a mini freezer because “the light” would go up. So now I’m just here not believing he can think the breastmilk i have in freezer will last till we would switch her to whole milk. Mind you she’s going to be four months in three more days. He think that baby’s don’t drink that much milk for some weird reason. It’s Mother’s Day and i rather not fight but im just so pissed he thinks like this and it honestly makes me not want to have sex with him anymore.