Super Emotional, Crying, Critical, Argumentative... Could I be Pregnant?

We have been actively trying for 2 years but just the past 6 months started seeing Dr's and using alternative methods on getting pregnant t but I ovulated last Sunday and we did all the right stuff and I have been over the top emotional for the last three days. What in the heck is wrong with me? Could I be Pregnant really? I am usually the sweetest person and go out of my way for everyone and now I am super pissy, Argumentative, Crying, and all together not myself and I truly am having a hard time keeping myself. together. I have 4 almost adult children, but none with my current husband and he has none. But man I do not ever remember being. mean. If I am pregnant, I hope this goes away fast because I can't stand myself right now. Has anyone experience this? Please Help!!