
Okay idk what the title is about SORRY but my question is.

If you BBT temp around the same time every day but you wake up early for some reason and temp and it’s a low temperature which one would you chart?? OKAY here’s what happened

Normally I wake up around or at 8 am every morning and I have been temping and charting whatever I get. Which for the past few days has been around 98.5

Well this morning I woke up early and I temped at 6am!! And it was way lower than normal I believe it was 96.7 or 97.6 and I’m like wth🙄😱. I went straight back to sleep and woke back up at normal time (8am) and it was fluctuating from 98.5-98.62 range. Regardless if 6am temp was more accurate WHY at 8 am would I get around the same temp as I’ve been getting the past few days why of all temps would it say 98.5??? And that’s not even my normal body temperature. So is it safe to put 8am temp or should I put the 6am temperature. Because 6am that would be a drop on my BBT charge (which makes me nervous😂) and the 8am temp is basically showing my temp is still up. Im 6DPO and haven’t seen a drop yet since Ovulation but idk if I need to count this as my drop or not because that’s way low for a drop.