Chronic Mental Illness


Anyone here with genetic mental health issues? 💖

I’ve been given the short straw with the family depression and anxiety (Grandma and uncle are the other lucky ones), and most people I’ve met through local support have the issues due to a life event(s) and not due to having a silly brain 😝

It’s tough to face as I do everything by the book to stay as healthy as possible: I’m a bodybuilder, I eat totally clean, I don’t drink, smoke or do drugs and I work with children as I want to be a teacher and help the next generation to be as mentally strong as possible! I live by the mottos “it is what it is” and “you can’t help how you feel but you choose how you react”.

BUT I get bouts of severe depression on a regular basis with no specific triggers.

The hardest thing is getting my boyfriend to understand that it’s no reflection on my life situation, and facing the guilt for getting it again and letting friends and family down by never “getting over it”.

I’d love to meet other people with similar experiences and feelings about them.

Rose xx