Two Questions!


1) Ugh. Baby girl is 10 weeks old. We EBF. So baby is very unhappy with the boobs the past few weeks. She’ll start eating and then start choking a bit. Pulls off and cries. I squeeze the boob and milk just shoots out like crazy.

*How the hell do I get it to stop spraying so violently? Baby chokes every time and I feel so awful. She won’t eat long if it happens. Pumping before feeds is impossible.

2) She’s also getting mostly foremilk. Not much hindmilk at all. It took 3 days to gain 1oz... She’s gone from 17 percentile of weight down to 13. Once we hit 10, we might have to supplement or worst.

*How do I get more hindmilk to her? Pumping before feedings is impossible. And massaging the boob just causes it to squirt out.. 😞