Fresh Transfer Today

Alyssa • Ttc #1 since August 2015 // 7 IUIs = all BFN // May 18’ Fresh IVF = Chemical // June FET = 👶🏻

Fresh transfer today in about 5 hours. We’ll hear the results of our embryos at our appt as well, the only update we’ve had so far is that 11 fertilized.

I’m feeling about 85% better from the retrieval 5 days ago, mostly just minor bloating now.

I’m hoping we have some good embryos because I’d like to transfer 2. We’ve been trying to conceive for nearly 3 years with no pregnancies, & 7 failed IUIs. This is our first attempt at <a href="">IVF</a>. I just turned 29 & my husband is 36.

This whole process is so nerve wracking. 🙏