Should I be in a realtionship if I'm depressed?


My first time seeing a psychiatrist I was told I was suffering from depression I havent been back because I don't have health insurance any more. I sleep alot... gained a lot of weight .. I neglect to take care of myself ... I would take care of everyone but myself .. meanwhile Im dating this amazing man there is a 7 year age gap and he makes me so happy its been a year and 4 months and honey moon phase is over he knows Im depressed and that I spend most my days sleeping ... we've been arguing often because I guess we see things clearly now ive been having major doubts about him even though hes been nothing but great with me .. Im honestly scared I dont know if im with him for the right reasons ... like am i with him to fill a void or am I with him because I love him

should I tell him that I have doubts ? I dont know what to do ... any advice ?

Sometimes I fell like I should be alone and focus on myself to get better and heal and sometimes I'm like nah we are both independent he isnt a major distraction... im in a bind :/