Can you call the cops on a no show?

broke down." My cousin filed for child support over 2 yrs ago buy has only received 2 payments since then. She is struggling and wants to move back to her mom's in Texas so that she can help her out. We are currently in Chicago. My cousin told the dude that she wanted to move because she needed help and he said "U aren't taking my baby anywhere, you can stay here and struggle." Now...this guy does nothing for his there a way she can call the cops on him every time he is a no show, to build evidence against him? They went to court, he didn't show but the judge to told my cousin to do her research if she wanted to keep representing herself. She cannot afford a lawyer so we need all the advice we can get. I titled this post as such because if you can call the cops if the other parent doesn't show up with the kid (to drop them off) you can call the cops on them (kidnapping) but if they're supposed to be picking them up and don't show, should then be negligence if we want to play that EDIT: I was under the impression that when the child support situation gets settled, 50/50 custody was automatic. More brutely put this way: you pay, u can see ur kid...u dont pay, u don't get to. Now before anyone jumps down my throat, my cousin doesn't do this nor ever would. She always states the door is open and wouldn't want to get in the way of her son and father bonding. And that's why I'm here asking for help and asking questions to get educated on the matter.