
been doing 2wks on/2wks off cycling medroxyprogetrone for past yr. Everything was clockwork until last month, AF was only 4 days & had my pcos checkup. Dr. found a lrg cyst on rgt ovary, unsure whether it's a hemmoraging or an endometric, follow up is sched for July, since appt. had sudden pain on rgt side & breakthrough bleed for several days. Was supposed to start my withdraw bleed from this last cycle 10 days ago & nothing is happening other than a little cramping. Took preg test, was neg. Anyone have any issues with the provera? I called & left msg for dr. but not heard back yet. just feeling frustrated since my last convo w/the dr. we discussed starting me on clomid in July if the cyst clears up & now everything is all wonky.