First IUD Period


Hi girls, so I had my IUD inserted on April 20th and I’ve had my nexplanon implant removed today, on day 61 on my cycle and I’ve just come on my period. My doctor told me to not use tampons and use pads instead for my first period but I hate pads more than anything. I haven’t used them since I was twelve (so six years) and I hate them. They’re far too uncomfortable, my flow is too heavy for them, and they genuinely make me depressed and suicidal (this is REALLY not an over exaggeration). Tomorrow I’m out of the house over twelve hours due to me being in school for my a levels and I’m working straight after. Should I be safe to use tampons tomorrow?? Does anyone know why I should avoid tampons for this first month - and what the risks are?? Any help would be very very very much appreciated!!!!!