Starting back. HELP!!


My sweet girl will be 12 weeks this week. I stopped breastfeeding and pumping once we got home from hospital. She was tongue tied and couldn’t latch on to my breast. Pumping every 2 1/2 hours became very overwhelming to me so I decided to stop 😭 She got her tongue clipped about 6 weeks ago and latches on to bottles very well now but unfortunately we have had such a hard time with formula! She has severe reflux so she spits up after every bottle. We are now on our 4th formula. My heart keeps telling me to try and start back pumping to see if I can start producing milk again. I’ve read post that it can truly happen but I just wanted to see if anyone has done this before or am I just crazy? Was it worth it? Should I just stay on formula? HELP!! Lol I’ll take any advice 🙌🏼🙈