Anxiety, depression or something else?


I already know that I have pretty bad anxiety and I'm bipolar. But within the last year or two I've noticed little things that I do that now are making me kinda worried. When I'm really anxious I pase and talk to myself. I honestly talk to myself more then actual people. Whatever is bothering me I'll repeat it in my head over and over. Like I'm stuck on thinking about that thing and my mind just won't allow anything else. It's like my mind is stuck on repeat. And I count thing. Like how many chews to chew up a piece of food. Or how many stairs. Or if I'm sitting I'll count with my fingers. I'll tap each one and be like 12345678, 12345678. And again I'll do it over and over. I've been having an awfully horrible last week or so and it's really started to take over me. I called and made an appointment with my doctor. But unfortunately I'm not able to get in for about a month. I guess I'm looking for someone who has dealt with something similar or would know anything that would be helping the meantime.