af showed up .. 2 days late 🙁

Amber • 29 • pcos warrior • mom of 7 yr old • miscarriage at 9 wks after 2 yrs ttc • just had our rainbow baby 2/2021🌈

I was so hopeful this time. told myself this was our month. last cycle was the 1st cycle I ever got a positive opk, I thought this was it. af came 2 days late. 😭 I've been on 3 rounds of clomid. the side effects are awful. I wanted this so badly this month. I know I have to trust in God, but I get so down when af shows up. guess it's another round of clomid in 5 days and lots of prayers for the next 3 weeks. here's to hoping af stays away for the rest of you ladies 🤞🏻