Flu Symptoms?!?


hey ladies,

two days ago it was like a switch flipped. I was just putzing around the house and suddenly I needed to lay down for a nap. I told my hubs that I was going upstairs and by the time I got there I had the full blown flu! three blankets and a heating pad couldn't get me warm. my body ached so bad that I was crying. i took my temp and it was 100.3! I managed to take some Tylenol and the fever went down after a few hours.

how crazy is it that I could be fine one minute and then unbelievably sick the next?? we are ttc but it's too early to have any symptoms right? my period isn't due for 8 days.

any ladies experience flu symptoms BEFORE their missed period and found out they were pregnant?

thanks in advance ❤️❤️