My In Law’s


This more of a vent then anything else but am willing to here recommendations...

We just left my in law’s place and I feel awful every time we do! They live only a 10-15 drive from us (same city, different neighborhood) and we stay over with our 1.5 year old every Sunday and go back to my parents place Monday night. We moved back in with my parents after I had our baby (first Grandchild on both sides) and they are my daughter’s primary care takers while my hubby and I are work (they are both retired). The reason we only go over to my in laws on Sunday is because Sunday and Mondays are my MIL’s only days off, she still works but my FIL is retired. She works the night shift (11:30 pm-7:30 am) so her schedule is different than the rest of us and she sleeps mostly during the afternoon and evening.

Her marriage to my FIL is strained, she has been wanting to divorce him for years. She has told me that when it’s just the two of them at home, they barely speak to each other. They’re also the complete opposite, she’s an introvert while my FIL loves to go out and socialize so most days she’s home alone.

My SIL lives with her boyfriend in another city that’s about a 30 min drive from my in laws. She used to come home every Monday and some weekends but has not done so in a long time. She comes over almost every Sunday because we’re there, if we can’t come over then she won’t go over either.

I just wish we could spend more time with my in laws esp my MIL! We have a great relationship and I’m pretty close with her and I feel so bad that she comes home to a basically empty home. I don’t want anyone esp her to ever have to live with that but given that hubby and I both work M-F and she works too with those hours it’s just so hard! I don’t what I can do!