

Hi all! Hope someone can help with this. My last period was 4/6 and lasted about 5 days as usual. My period was due to start last Monday and nothing. Wednesday I started spotting, so I thought it was my period starting. Nope, just really light spotting for 2 days. I got a cold last week too. Stuffy nose, sore throat, and I've had a headache off and on since then and I've been EXTREMELY tired. Like today I slept until 3 in the afternoon. Still no period though. My partner suggested we take a test, so we took an EPT test yesterday, but it was negative. How common is a false negative? I've been on 500mg of Metformin twice a day since last year to help me ovulate and I've been pretty regular for the past couple years, so the fact that AF hasn't arrived has me suspicious...