This WILL be my month!!!!!

Erica • Married to my best friend 1/3/20 🥰💍 TTC Baby #1

So I hope. Last month my cycle was back to 28 days and my first high fertility day on my opk was on CD 12. I got my first high fertility flashing smiley yesterday on CD 11. Glow says I will O on Tuesday the 24th but I’m thinking it will be more like Fri, Sat or Sun. And the only time I get to BD is those days due to our living situation at the moment so I have super high hopes that this will be my month!! Is anyone else in the FW? Let’s do this!! Baby dust to all of us TTC!! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨