TTC 2yrs

Been trying to conceive for 2yrs plus. Have HPV (for those accusing of cheating please educate yourselves a bit more on HPV) I got a biopsy done the Doc had stated it wasn't bad but, then suggested a LEEP said it would take place at the clinic then was told it'll be fine at the hospital. I cancelled that LEEP procedure and still wanting to go for a second opinion (which I haven't in hopes HPV disappeared since it wasn't that bad) Every time I see a negative on a pregnancy test I feel down. I do have 3 children already but, always wanted 4 and our children has requested in prayers a baby sis/bro.. PLEASE DON'T BE HARSH ON YOUR COMMENTS. JUST WANT TO SHARE AND SEE IF ANYONE HAS OR IS GOING THROUGH SOMETHING SIMILAR. THANK YOU. HAVE A GOOD NIGHT/DAY. 💖