Exclusively pumping from birth

Lexi • Kolton Michael 10•3•18 💙👶🏻

So I’m not due for a good while now but I’ve come to the conclusion that I want to exclusively pump from the time my baby is born. I haven’t heard much about this and was wondering if anyone here does this or has any good advice? I’m okay with supplementing I’ve looked into the similac for supplementing moms and decided to use that. I just don’t know how to start and when to pump and all that good stuff would love some advice 😁😁

UPDATE: how do you get husband/boyfriend to feel like he’s doing something while you breastfeed that’s my issue I want him to feel the bond and connection you get with feeding the baby? Or would it be okay to supplement when he want to feed and me pump? He works a 2nd/3rd shift job so he will be taking the night shift and helping on the weekend, is it okay to supplement those times or just pump when I can to get a stock up for him to feed the baby? Sorry if all this is dumb sounding we’re first time parents wanting to do the best thing but don’t know too much about pumping/breastfeeding, literally nobody around me does it but I want to at least give it a try, I mean we don’t get boobs full or milk for nothing you know?!?! 😂

I ultimately just want other people to feed the baby because everyone is going to want to this is the first grandchild for my side of the family and the first in a long time for his, everyone is just EXTREMELY excited and I want everyone to enjoy it.