Not wanting to use BCP during this round of IVF

I did one round of <a href="">IVF</a> (15 follicles, 8 fertilized, 4 frozen, 2 genetically viable). I want to do another round because I want to have more an 1 kid. Last round I did BCP 2 months, Lupron for 4 days with BCP, then lurpon, gonal-f and menopure before retrieval.

I don’t like being on the BCP. I feel sick the whole time and gained about 10 lbs. I also have extremely thin uterine lining and being on the pill made it almost non-existent! I want to do a round without BCP. My doctor says it’s fine... but I haven’t started the round yet (I want to try for 1-2 more months this summer). I’m super regular (literally the perfect 30 day cycle).

Have you done <a href="">IVF</a> without BCP? What is the research? Do I NEED it? Is being on BCP better?