I’m engaged but feel like a single mom to be


This isn’t the typically rant on their SO. We aren’t having any issues besides the fact he’s ALWAYS gone. Between work and the military, he is gone for weeks at a time and I’m really struggling mentally and physically with this pregnancy. We are currently in the process of moving into our new house and I’m 28 weeks pregnant. He was gone in Seattle for two weeks from 4/22-5/4 for military training then he left again 5/11 and won’t be home until 5/25 because of more military training in Kansas. And then we move that weekend and then he leaves again from 6/6 to 6/7 because he’s going to Virginia for a work party. Then the baby shower is 6/8. I’m the one left painting the new house, mowing the grass, packing up the apartment, working full time, and everything in between. My sister promised she was gonna help me but she has been MIA and only helped me paint one day. I’m exhausted and feel like I have no one to help me 😭😭😭