Vanished Period ??

Alicen • 22 years old. Married to my best friend on 06/13/15. Had our princess on 03/04/2016. Angel baby 11/23/2016. 4 fur babes!

Okay mommies, so my LO is 6 months old, EBF 😭 at my 6 week check up I went ahead and got the IUD mirena, 2 months later the damn thing fell out, I was having normal periods. First week of every month just like before I had my daughter. (I’ve always have been super regular.) welllll obviously I didn’t want my body to reject yet another mirena because insurance wasn’t going to cover it. So my dr and I decided on a super low dose estrogen mini pill so it didn’t effect my breast milk. Well where the fuck is my period? I’m 16 days late. I tested on day 7 and it was negative so what the hells going on! Anyone been through this?

Picture of my littles 💖