Boyfriend is going to church??

This is long but I really need advice..

My boyfriend and I have almost been together for 5 years, but we have known each other for 18 years.

My family religious background is Methodist. His is Christian. I went to children’s bible study a few times with my Grandma and a close family friend but that was it, my parents never went or took me and I have not pursued it as an adult at all. His parents never took him as a child and he never went by himself either.

Recently, a business partner of his through the JW’s invited him to their Easter service and after that, he decided he wanted to keep going.

I have no interest in the JW’s... I’m sure they’re good people but from what I’ve heard their rules seem a little obscene, I won’t lie - I find it very cult-like behavior.

I’ve expressed my concerns to him about their rules. He has assured me he is not looking to get baptized and only wants to learn and discover his spirituality, and he believes it is making him a “better man, more husband material”.

Which brings me to my next point, we’ve been talking about marriage a lot lately, and how he’d like it for me to join him at church. I told him I’m uncomfortable with the JW’s but I wouldn’t be opposed to finding somewhere we both feel comfortable going and trying it out, if it means that much to him.

He said he has already started going, and is “established” at this church and really doesn’t want to look for another. I told him that I cannot join him then. We’ve talked about our (hopefully) future children and he says he’d like to raise them in a religious household as well, as he believes they will then grow up with stronger, better morals and values.

I’m started to get extremely concerned about our compatibility. This all started happening this year within the last few months, we’ve been together quite a while and he was not like this at all. I’m worried maybe I’m not the right woman for him, after all since I cannot conform to his desire for our “family” to be religious. I’m really worried... and word of advice would honestly be greatly appreciated.