
Charlotte • 💏 + 🎀👶10/28/16 + 🍬👶03/20/18

people who have never been really over weight i dont think have any clue. tired of people commenting and laughing and bullying especially at my age, I'm in my mid twenties. 4 years ago at my heaviest I was 312 pounds and 100% unhappy with myself and my life so I made a lot of changes. I left a living situation fell in love, got married, had 2 babies and lost 46 pounds over these 4 years. some days I feel like I have accomplished a lot and made some good progress. but then when I go out into community I still get looks and people bullying me. it's crazy how immature and ruthless people can be towards over weight people. I am 266 pounds now, and I know that's still really big, but it kills me that those people don't know the effort and struggle I have gone through to get to where I'm at so far in my life. especially since I'm not big from over eating or bad food choices. I don't eat much and iv always been a healthy eater. I will say that I don't exercise much which is my fault I choose not to because I'm afraid to go out into public jiggly and big where I can be mocked and judged so I mostly do what I can in home and at night when people are not out and about.i also have a knee injury that makes me look funny and is somewhat painful when I run or jog or cycle etc. I have an 18 mo old daughter and a 2 mo old son so I have to schedule time to excersize and shop. and not one of the people who is judging and bullying me knows or cares to know how hard I have worked to get to where I'm at. I just can't believe how aggressively open people are to being so mean to strangers, and about something they don't understand. I know I still have a long way to go to get to my goal weight, but it sucks that people feel the need to constantly remind me that I'm fat. I know I'm over weight, obviously. why make people feel like less of a person by belittling them for how they look? I still have 130 pounds to reach my goal weight and it's gonna take time to reach it. I feel so proud of everyone who works there butts off to be healthier and get in asap and rock there curves. I look up to all the confident plus sized beauties out there. I wish I didn't let other people's opinions make me feel so insecure and weak.