Marriage help

I feel really bad that I need to ask for advice for my marriage 😓 we’ve only been married for 9 months and I feel miserable. There have been times when I asked myself why we even got married. Before we were married we were the happiest couple, we were inseparable! We were together 3 1/2 years before we decided to get married. I thought I knew him perfectly by our wedding day. Boy was I wrong! The first few months were great! He was so sweet and we were always together but then he started using his time to be with friends or work on projects at home or at a friends place. Lately the only time we’re actually together is when we eat supper (not much conversation going on then) and when we go to bed, then it’s just lay down play with our phones a little then sleep. I’ve wanted to try for a baby for a while now but he is so against it he doesn’t even care how much it hurts me. I feel alone, unloved, ignored, and totally taken for granted. I just want the guy I married back. I’ve prayed and prayed, and I know God does hear me, but maybe some advice would help?