I’m at a loss... What do I do???

My husband is an amazing father and I know he loves me dearly. My problem is he has a tendency to lie about stupid stuff and being lazy when it comes to helping around the house. For example, I asked him if he called someone today to ask about house and he said he did but no one answered so he’d call again in a few minutes. He just kept procrastinating so I asked if I could just see his phone and I’d call. He got super defensive but gave it to me. Low and behold he never called. I wouldn’t have been mad if he said he hadn’t called. He is STILL claiming he called. Everything shows he didn’t but he still won’t admit it. Now I’m mad. Now he’s lying even though I know the truth and he knows I know. He did this with smoking when I found half a pack of cigarettes and a lighter in his bag and it took him 3 days to admit he had been smoking. He did this when I asked if he had ordered a package on amazon, I looked to see when it would be delivered and nothing had been ordered, and it took him hours to confess. Between this and his inability to help out I’m a complete loss. He starts helping out then gets distracted and nothing gets done. When he does help it takes him hours to do what takes me 10-15 minutes to do. I don’t complain about the time it takes him as long as he actually does it. It’s so frustrating! Things get better when I bring it up, he works on it for awhile and things improve. We get along better, our sex life improves, and I feel less stressed and overwhelmed. Then he slips back because things get better so he stops trying and because he stops trying we end up back in a tense place. I’m so sick of this cycle!!! I love him but I’m running out of things to say... it just doesn’t stick with him. I know he loves me. Emotionally and financially he’s my rock and he’s more understanding and patient than any man I’ve ever met but I can’t handle to lying about stupid stuff and the lack of help. We have 7 month old twins. I’m taking care of them all day long, I cannot handle it all alone 😩