Serious dog help!!!

How do I get my dog to stop barking while outside!! During the day I don’t mind as much. But the second our back door opens she doesn’t stop. I have to take her out to go potty, but we are getting noise complaints because she is a very large and loud dog. I’ve tried so hard to get her to stop and she won’t. I’ve tried positive reinforcement and you can’t even get her attention while she’s barking. I’ve tried a shock collar, spraying her, flicking her nose. Nothing. She has to stop though. We are getting in trouble for it. I’ve even co side red clipping her vocal cords. I doubt I’d do that, it’s so cruel. I’ll most likely have to rehome her if she can’t stop. I can’t put up with constant fines.

* 🤦🏼‍♀️ bringing her in and crating her fixed nothing. She sleeps inside. She still has to go outside to potty. Seriously read before you comment. 🙄

* I stuck to each method for 5 months before moving to a new one. None worked. I’m not daft.