looking for ideas for Montessori young toddler room!

Melissa • Daughter 12/1/2016 ♥️ 32 weeker ToF PA MAPCAs ♥️ pregnant with #2 🌈 baby ♥️ MC 10/3/2018 👼

hello everyone! do any of you have a Montessori ish bedroom set up for your young toddler? I would LOVE to see your photos and ideas!! I have looked but they seemed to be for older toddlers

my daughter is 17 months and we co-sleep (i know... no mom shaming please, it wasn't our plan we have had many extenuating circumstances that got us to this arrangement). we are trying to transition her to her crib but she HATES the crib. she still wakes up a LOT during the night and I don't know if the co sleeping and when she is in the crib being in the same room is actually making things more difficult.

I saw a post about a Montessori floor bed and a light bulb went off! i started researching it more and that sounds like the perfect way to more gently transition her to her own bed/room. she has less trouble sleeping alone in my bed than her crib and she moves around a lot.

thank you!!! ♥️