Do I Have The Right To Be Pissed? Mom Hit Me! Please Help!


So we’re on vacation in Florida right now. We were planning on flying but drove here last minute. It was a 17.5 hour drive with me, my 7 month old, step dad, mom, grandmother, and my great aunt. We are here because my mom and step Dad are renewing their vows it’s their 8 year anniversary. We all hung out and had lunch at this Cantina and then me/baby/aunt/grandma went to Walmart to get groceries. My daughter was in a baby carrier on my chest. I bent to pick something up and on the way back up I heard a pop followed by the worst pain I’ve ever been in ever. I can’t move. Literally. We had to call 911 and they took me to the nearest hospital. I left my baby with my aunt and grandma because I had no choice but these are FRAIL old ladies so I’m freaking out. We leave and they don’t even know how to put her in the car seat (they got an employee to show them and they took her straight to the condo she’s safe). While there my phone is dead and I call my mom on the hospital phone FORTY times and she ignored me. I only know three phone numbers: her, my father, my husband. Both my dad and husband are in Texas and my husband doesn’t fly in until tomorrow. I called my father back in Texas and my husband whose back in Texas to call her and my step dad to call me that this isn’t a joke and this is very serious. She still ignored me. She claimed her phone was charging which is a straight up lie because she was texting my grand mother and I know she’s at a cantina hanging out with my step dad and her friend that’s going to be her “bridesmaid” or whatever. I called my step dad who was texting my nana. He also ignored me. I’ve had major spine surgery and they did a CT at the hospital and the ER doctor was flabbergasted. My fusion of L4 and L5 is out of control. The report said I had massive hypertrophic growth on my L4 L5 and that it is growing up into my spine and I maybe snapped a tendon in my back because the fusion has gotten so big and out of control that all the pressure on the tendons or ligaments made something snap but they didn’t have an MRI so all they can do is drug me give me enough meds to get back to my surgeon in Texas. I can’t lay down because I won’t be able to get back up so I’m sleeping in the recliner tonight (when they got me out of the hospital bed to help me pee it took two nurses and me screaming the whole time and they wouldn’t let me back in the bed I had to sit the wheelchair until discharge) I can hardly walk. My mother continues to ignore me. They discharge me and my aunt picks me up and we go to the condo. I get there and my mom is absolutely wasted. She’s saying they’re done and went and cried on the patio. She tries to leave the condo and we try to stop her and she tells me I’m faking my injury so she ignored me (I had two surgeries as a young teen that she was there for) and is fighting with us and we’re trying to keep her safe because she’s intoxicated. She calls my aunt a bitch and tells us she fucking hates us and that we’re all turning against her. My step dad gets there and he’s drunk but not crazy he just wants her to calm down like we do. He tries talking to her on the patio and shes screaming she tries to leave again so out of sheer adrenaline (and Percocet and norco) I stand and block the hallway with my back to her so she doesn’t get self killed or locked up by the police for being publicly intoxicated. She punched me in my back where my surgery scar and the pain/current injury is and I drop to the floor and vomit and see stars. She runs into her room and slams the door. My step dad picked me up and brought me to the couch. My heart hurts so bad right now. I don’t know what to do. She’s a flight attendant and my only way home because I can’t get in the car and I can’t take my baby home on the plane by myself because I can’t even carry her. I’m trapped here!!! In massive amounts of pain needing to go see my surgeon in Texas ASAP. What do I do?? Do I have a right to be mad at her even though she was drunk?? I just don’t know what to do. 😞😞