What am i doing wrong as a mum!😭#Calling All mums!!!

my son was born 5 weeks early he is now 2 months old I thought it would get better! after he wakes his never CONTENT after a good feed,diaper change and burp. He cries,make irritable faces and nags when I lay him down,i tried putting him in the bouncer he spits his pacifier out and he screams blue murder,I tried the pillow he sits in he just screams louder he never had his first smile yet! his not colic..Iv tried colic calm,gripe water,colic drops,his bottles are anti colic..his only happy when he is breastfeeding and sleeping and in my arms sitting upright he wakes after 2 hours it's exhausting momma's😢 I can't get through the day! sometimes he dosnt even take naps during the day I even have to skip meals until my husband gets from work,because I can't dare lay him down! im alone with him during the day.I didn't have a happy pregnancy I was very aggressive,irritable and moody but I don't know if it affected him.Is this normal??Does this get better?