Blowing off steam

Joanna • Just blessed 💕💖

Ok, I have to blow off some steam, because I know that most of you lovely ladies will understand... I'm 40+3 today, been losing mucous plug for the past 4 days, loads of BH, period like cramps, but nothing else. People around me are by now guessing the due date (it irritates me sooooo much) and keep telling me to rest while I still can. Like, shut up!!!! You try to rest when you're feeling absolutely uncomfortable, have major back pain and every time you're about to finally fall asleep you have to get up again because you need to pee for the zillionth time!!!!!! My hospital won't induce until I'm 12 days overdue (I find that ok because I want my baby to come when he's ready), but I'm soooooo done being pregnant!!! Ok, steam out! ☺