Faint lines..


So. I’ve been feeling off as of late. My boobs have been super sensitive for about 2 weeks straight, super tired, my fiancé has been calling me double meal cuz the way I’ve been eating.. then last night my boobs were just so achy that I told my fiancé to go out and buy a test. So he did. Got home, and I took it. Waited like two min and looked like a no... then one min later I look and there’s a really faint blue plus sign. My whole body got hot and I started in with my anxiety. And I kept telling myself That it wasn’t correct. I mean it was so faint you couldn’t really see it. But I never get a faint unless I am pregnant. Ever. So this morning I go back to the store and get two more, a blue dye and pink dye. I took the pink one as soon as I got home. Again, one min goes by and I get a really really faint line. Just a tad darker than last night but still can see it. What’s everyone’s opinion on faint lines?..

please someone talk to me. Kinda freaking out right now.

I need someone’s advice. Please!!!

Thank you for anyone who takes the time to read my long post!!!