Opinions Needed


okay here’s what’s going on ,

I came off my period on May 2nd & we had sex the 3rd & 5th , well I believe I ovulated on the 9th , I had pinkish / brown discharge & light red spotting 12th 13th & 14th , only when I wiped then it stopped and now it’s like clear and pinkish brown only when I wipe. I’m having sharp pains on my right side and just feel kinda bloated..

We’ve been trying so I’d love if we got our BFP , but I took a test this morning and it was negative, I really believe I’ve had implantation bleeding but could I just be testing too soon... my period isn’t due till the 25th ( my birthday ) &

I leave for my birthday vacation on Monday & I don’t wanna be drinking & turning up while I’m there if I’m pregnant. 😩
