wanting to give up


over the past year ive been on a weight loss journey, it has helped my deoression so much but recently i feel like its starting to get bad again. my husband cheated a few weeks ago, I'm losing my mum (shes a dialysis patient and if this fistula fails again then thats it, they just make her comfortable, she may only have weeks-months left) I've had so much trouble with looking for jobs too and its constantly causing issues between my husband and I, i just want to give up, my anxiety gets bad and my husband doesnt understand it, always telling me to talk to people and sometimes just get over it because he thinks that will make it better but it just doesnt and no matter how much i try to explain that he never listens. we even have more stress with living in a stupid shared house where i dont feel safe being alone at night so we fight because i have panic attacks if he goe out when it gets dark, i told him when we get our own place and we can finally bring my dog and cat up to live with us it will make me feel safer (my dog is overly protective of me and picks up on my emotions, we have a strong bond and with her shes always made me feel safe whether im alone or not.)