Domestic Violence Survior


My name is Charlotte. I was going through my notifications today and saw your post. My mom was in an abusive relationship with my father. He would beat, verbally abuse, and rape her. Me and my brother would get beaten too. My mom had trouble leaving him because she grew up in household with a abusive parents. For 28 years she was told exactly what to do, what to wear, what to think. She wasn't allowed to feel. One night he allowed her to go out with some of her friends. That was the night he choked me. I was 6 years old and was so terrified it took me a month to tell my mom. That was October 12th. My mom planned on leaving later in the week after she had had time to find us somewhere to stay, but she called the cops later that night after he punched and kicked her in the spine bad enough to make where she has back problems even now. That was after she wouldn't have sex and he told her he was going to kill. That wasn't the first time either, but this time something was different. When the cops arrived hefault. The only up swinging luckily me and my brother slept through that. I woke up later in the morning hearing my mom, neighbor, and a man's voice. I went to the kitchen and saw them, my neighbor tucked me back in. I slept till I was woken by my mom telling me we had to pack. We were then taken to SafePlace by one of my mom's friends. That was October 13th. Later that day we went to Olive Garden for my birthday. I turned 7 years old October 13, 2008.

I am now 16 and am in 10th grade top of my class with a ranking of #1of 82 with a 4.0 GPA. I am taking A.P. Biology and A.P.World History. I am taking ACC classes over the summer and during my junior year. As of last Tuesday my therapist has declared me to be in full remission from my diagnosis of depression. This is a major milestone for as this a diagnosis I've had since I was probably started seeing a therapist so at least 7-8 years. I've got amazing friends and I love them all. I'm in a school that will help me achieve my dream of becoming a veterinarian after attending Texas A&M; or Cornell University. If any of y'all are reading this and are in a Domestic Violence situation know this: you can get through, it is NOT your fault, and you ARE amazing. Hell this applies to everyone. You are amazing and if someone hurts you it is NEVER, EVER your fault. The only person to is the person who hurt you. We are all amazing. "No matter how bad things get, sooner or later life has to get better." Charlotte L. Starace