39 w 4 d- going to be pregnant forever


Feeling so frustrated and feel like the end is not in sight. At 38 weeks the midwife said she was convinced I'd go early. Head was really low in the pelvis, I'd had lots of false labour contractions. But after having false labour from 37 w 6 d every day with contractions for hours on end during the night/ early morning I had nothing last night and despite losing my plug a few days ago and having lots of soft bowel movements at the same time I've had nothing today. My bump has dropped lower and the pain/ache in my lower stomach and top of pelvis in the past 2 days has got worse, as has the pain in my lower back but other than that I feel fine, just exhausted despite sleeping none stop. I feel like it's now further away than ever and I'm definitely going to go overdue, which I'm dreading 😟 I finished work just before 37 weeks so it's been a long few weeks being bored and home alone! I've tried walking every day, sex, epo, birth ball, relaxing baths but nothing seems to have helped! Im just so ready to meet my little one now and become a family with my OH and fed up of people asking 'you're still pregnant?!' You've got 3 days left LO til mumma feels completely frustrated 😥

Sorry just needed a rant!