Hard decision :.(

Hi, I’m 26 Years old, I’m just too confused 😣😣😣

I’m in a 2 Year’s “relationship” when I’m the only one doing everything for it, my boyfriend is autistic, has OCD.He has a good heart but is too difficult for me to deal with him sometimes, i dont know what to do , i just find out that he has pictures of his ex girlfriend and they look so happy and I believe he still having feelings for her, I been trying to make him happy but he doesn’t show the same for me, he said that he is afraid of being played like his ex did with him.... sometimes we fight really hard and he been broken up with me but when I’m packing my stuffs to move on he says he wants to try but I i can’t even forget those pictures and right now my mom and sister are having problems and they say they need me, i don’t know if I should move on and help my mom or try to help my relationship....

I have more brothers can help my family but they are kind of difficult rugged to talk....

I have OCD as well, agoraphobia and my mom just told me that i have ADD I’m so frustrated and getting depressed 😢😢😢😢😢