Natural Birth Turned into a C-Section



Our due date was May 4th and we planned on a birthing center birth. May 7th got checked and was at a 3 so they did a sweep. Later that afternoon I started having 4-1-1 contractions. Went to the birth center at 4:30 and was doing great until they broke my water. I had a bulging bag and was dilated to an 8. They broke the bag and I went back to a discouraging. I started vomiting between contractions. I couldn’t talk or walk or keep food down. During one particularly violent vomiting session I pulled a muscle on my left side under my ribs. So now I had no break from pain in between contractions. My husband was amazing the entire time and never left my side. They check me again almost 12 hours after arriving and I’m only at a 7 and baby is still high. I decide I can’t do it anymore and I want to transfer to the hospital. My husband agreed...I found out after the fact that he would have wanted me to transfer earlier.

The decision to transfer was so hard to make because I wanted a natural birth without intervention. I cried for a long time before letting myself go.

I get to the hospital around 4am for the epidural and pitocin...since baby isn’t moving down and my contractions slowed during transfer. I felt so much better and finally got some rest. When the doctor came back to check around noon I was at a 7.5-8 and had meconium so I had to start antibiotics. She came back at 6 to check me and I was still an 8 and baby hadn’t moved at all. So after almost 28 hours of labor baby was still chillin up high. She said we could wait until one of us went into distress or we could do the c-section now. After many many tears we agreed to the c-section. So we had our baby in our arms less than an hour later.

Tydus was born at 6:43pm weighing 8lbs 2oz and 21 inches long.

Here he is at 12 days old:

Even though everything went the exact opposite of how we wanted it, we are thrilled with our little guy!