bipolar mom **WARNING VERY LONG POST**

I'm 32yr old mother of 3 beautiful children that do not live with me because when they were small I didn't know I had a mental condition & also later developed an addiction to cocaine but I chose what was I thought was best for them at the time considering I had a mother that was an alcoholic & an addict & did not want my children to experience the same scenario. my children are now ages 13, 12 & 10 & they live with their dads because their stability is still my biggest priority. I am now sober, in counseling & on meds to control my multiple mental illnesses. I am also with the most amazing man I've ever known he is stable, serves in the military, loves me completely, pushes me to be the best person & mother I can be, he loves my kids & is awesome with them & they love him, he makes sure I get to see them as much as I possibly can & I'm so grateful for him. now we are talking about marriage & possibly a baby since he doesn't have children but I'm TERRIFIED my children will resent me or hate me or think I'm trying to replace them & I definitely am NOT. Am I wrong to think about having another baby? does it make me a bad mom?