WARNING TMI PHOTO - is this it?

So last few weeks I've had on and off bleeding. I have been for 4 early scans now to try and see what's going on. my hcg levels are dropping. not quickly just little by little. but my scans are showing sac growth and we saw a fetus today BUT still no heart beat.

this afternoon I have suddenly lost lots of clots. the biggest one I just passed I took a photo of.. I will be posting as I'm unsure if this is my miscarriage or if it's just still blood clot.

sorry for TMI any advice would be appreciated ♥️

the midwives said it was a 50/50 chance ..I saw the sac and everything this morning as was told there was no bleeding around the sac but this just didn't feel right. I had very tight and bloated stomach during this. pain is still there and so is the bleeding.