30 hours into my induction 🙄


we started the cervidil at 10am yesterday, I started having strong regular contractions at about 3am today and they kept going til the OB checked me. But my cervix is still high and closed so these contractions didnt do much. They changed out the cervidil for a new one and all the contractions stopped for 5 hours and are only just starting to become noticeable again.

I'm worried that this isnt dilating me at all and I'm going to be stuck in hospital for 3 days with no progress 😑

I never thought I would want to elect for a c-section but if it was offered to me right now I would probably take it. 😫

The whole point of the induction was to get her out so we can make sure she is ok, I don't like waiting 3 days or more after the fact 😣