Feeling depressed and alone...

So I’m almost 8 weeks pregnant and I’m starting to feel very anxious about it. I feel like this whole pregnancy thing is a horrible idea and I should terminate it (which I’m not gonna do so don’t give me hate comments about me thinking that way) I have my days with this. Sometimes I feel excited about the baby then the next I’m freaking out about having another baby. Im scared that I won’t be a good enough parent. I already have a son which he is 2 1/2 and me and his father have a horrible relationship. I’m having a baby with a new father and I’m so worried that it’s not gonna work out, just like my first. We’re not married, which I wanna be married but I start to question myself if I’m really happy with him. This past weekend we went to the river and did some tubing. Which was really fun, things like that make me happy. But then I get home and freak out and start to question everything over and over. I try to distract myself by cleaning, listening to music, watching tv but my mind can’t concentrate. I have no interest in anything anymore. What’s going on with me??? Anyone else here going through this or experience this?? What do I do?? Am I depressed?