Big steps

Today I will stop feeling bad for myself, I will stop feeling I’m cursed. I will admit to my wrongs and look at them as lesson. Today I stopped worrying about what everyone would think about me. Today I’m trying to find happiness and be a better me. Today is my day to be born again and I’m doing it on my own. I have to knock down those bad images of me, because I am a Queen 👑! I am the gift to a man who deserves me and what I have to offer. I deserve to get worked on and molded into someone’s wife. I am 22 and I have so much time to think of the negatives. What I dwell on are things that stop me from growing.

Like “you were the best women you can be to a man that used and abused you. And still that wasn’t enough” “you got an abortion, but that’s okay” “you have a king now in your life, so why isn’t it still enough” “you’re not happy enough to be a mother” “you didn’t finish school and you ran out of time” “you’re stuck where you are in life, a used and abused woman looking for a baby she killed, that may never come” “you’re taking care of other women’s kids because you love you fiancé” “you’re not worthy”

Well today, I’m breaking that shit. All those negative ass thoughts that are constantly in my head, constantly repeating itself. But today I will move on! Today I am break free of those thoughts starting with this... I know I can accomplish anything I put my mind too! I will say this everyday until forever!!!

7Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

(What are your strength prayers?)