Need issue


Hey everyone. I have a mother in law who is very opinionated about raising children. She thinks the way she brought up her kids is the best way. When my daughter was born, she pressured me so much about breastfeeding, when I never even asked for her opinion on the topic. She always feels free to tell me foods I should be giving my daughter, that I need to put undershirts on with her pajamas because she’s probably cold at night, that I shouldn’t waist money on certain things like a high chair because her son never used one, etc. And she does this a lot when my husband isn’t around. Well this past weekend at my house she said to me “you better start bringing Lexi out to socialize with other kids soon because she is way too attached to you. That’s not going to be good when the baby arrives.” I didn’t even know what to say. I’m super hormonal from pregnancy and I also haven’t taken any anxiety meds since I found out I was pregnant. I feel like she constantly makes me feel like I don’t know what I’m doing. We are not close at all, especially that I would go to her for advice, but she feels free to constantly make comments to me every time we see each other. I’m at my breaking point. I don’t know if I should speak to my husband about this- I don’t want it to cause a major argument. His usual answer is “that’s just how my mom is.” But I feel like sometimes he needs to step in and say to her “Mom, this is what works best for Lexi and us so that’s why we do things that way.” but he never wants to offended his parents. Any advice would be helpful. I don’t need this stress, especially during pregnancy. And it’s getting to the point that I don’t want to see her, which is going to put a strain on my relationship with my husband.