Dont know how to go on/ VENTING


So yesterday I asked my husband why he doesn't pay attention to our children. We have a 2yr old and a 6m/o. My oldest always wants him to hold him or play with him. I asked him yesterday why he never wants to play with him or at least let him sit on his lap. He told me because he just doesn't want to. And he doesn't play with him because the toys my son has doesn't interest my husband. My son will BEG my husband to play with him but his solution to spending time with him is to watch power rangers or something my husband wants to watch. My son is two he needs to be watching sesame Street not learning how to hit or jump around like he's fighting. It just makes me sad when my husband tells him no every time. We were separated for a brief time and I went to live with my mom with our children. In that time my son and daughter both had the attention and love they deserve. I thought he was going to be different and be there for them. Last night I started a fight because I asked him why he never talks to our daughter when she's crying. Sometimes I will be trying to clean up or cook dinner and he will just let her scream. I try to talk to her but it only works so much cause she can't see me. This usually happens when he gets home from work. I get that he's tired and just wants to relax. But am I asking too much for him to just TALK to her and try and comfort her without picking her up. I will admit that she is a little spoiled from staying with my mom cause they would hold her all the time and pay attention to her. But I was trying to explain to him that he doesn't have to pick her up. All he has to do is talk to her and tell her she's not alone and that he's paying attention to her. He's not really one for showing a lot of affection and I get that. But just a little attention for both of our children instead of being bureied in his phone is that so much to ask? or just a little help by playing with they while I make dinner. I just want my children to know they are loved. There are two of us in the home. I would love to keep it that way seeing as neither of us had parents that were together( mine divorced, his never married). I just wanted to know if you I'm asking too much. Any thoughts or advice PLEASE!!!