Birth Story!

Desiree • Happily married💑|Mommy to Riley May 19th 2018❤️🎀|Christian✝️|

So Friday May 18th I was 39w5d and went to my weekly appointment. My blood pressure was high for the first time my pregnancy. It wasn’t too high but my doctor was concerned and was going to send me to the hospital to be checked out. He went to call them and I got my blood pressure rechecked. It was still the same so he just made the decision to be induced. We arrived at the hospital around 3pm and at 4pm the cervidil was inserted. I was told it would stay in for 12 hours unless something happened. Around 8pm my water ended up breaking. I was around 4cm at this point. Later I got a dose of Nubain which helped me sleep some. Later that night, around 3pm I received an epidural which helped me sleep more. I wasn’t dilating quickly so they gave me some pitocin to get things going. About 8am the nurse checked and I was 9cm. Immediately after I switched positions and she left I felt rectal pressure. She came back around 8:30am and checked and I was finally at 10cm. We did some practice pushes but we stopped for awhile due to my contractions slowing down. Around 9:30am we finally started pushing. Things were going very slow and I was starting to lose hope. It seemed like with every push we were getting nowhere. I finally agreed to a mirror so I could watch the progress I swore wasn’t happening. The rectal pressure was unbelievably painful even with the epidural. Finally at 2:10pm after an incredibly long time pushing, my baby girl was born. I feel like my doctor was considering csection, but once we really made progress at the end she kept me going. I ended up with a 3rd degree tear but I’d do it all over again for this perfect baby.