Ovulation bleeding after miscarriage?


Please be advised of the photo before scrolling!!!

Hello everyone.

I truly apologize for TMI, but I am seriously confused. I have had two very early miscarriages (around 5.5 weeks each time). Last time, I bled for over 8 days, then had a normal period almost five weeks later. This time, my hcg levels dropped quickly and I only bled badly for three days. I started bleeding two weeks ago today, and my hcg went down in the next couple days. My husband and I have BDed many times since then and I have been temping.

So, today would be CD15 if counting my first bleed as my CD1 (even though betas showed I was miscarrying before that). Today, I had bleeding and very fertile looking mucus. Is this what ovulation bleeding looks like? I’ve never had it before! Kind of hoping it’s implantation bleeding but not holding my breath...

Thanks in advance and again, sorry for the graphic photo!