No judging. Just need advise/answers.

My husband and I started dating when we were 17-18. When I was 20 I had an abortion(believe me no need for mean comments I am living with my choice). Now we are both 27 and happily married and would love to start a family. We have been trying for about 6-7 months now with no luck, and I’m afraid that what I did when I was 20 could be some what affecting my chances. I’ve been to doctor for my yearly check ups and they’ve always said everything looks fine, but could it be possible that something is wrong with me now :(. Has anybody been through similar situation, and has come out pregnant? I just need a little bit of hope. I feel it’s most frustrating because i keep seeing all these baby announcements on social media, and it breaks my heart to get disappointed every month. 💔

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Posted at
it takes a completely healthy couple usually about a year to conceive naturally! relax and give it some time💛


Posted at
Just keep in mind that it takes the average couple 12 months to conceive. ☺️


Sandy 🎩 • May 23, 2018
And I feel I’m taking for ever, or at least ppl are making me feel that way :/


Sandy 🎩 • May 23, 2018
Not that the actually making of a baby isn’t fun. The thought of maybe something being wrong stresses me out, seeing as I know ppl who it happens to right away


Posted at
Yes, I had an abortion at 18. when I was 27 last year my husband and I got pregnant after 3 months..i worried too those 3 minths if it was my abortion that made it so I can't get pregnant before understanding it can take a year for a healthy couple to get pregnant. I used preseed, took geritol, and used ovulation strips. just be patient it'll happen , there is only a 20% chance every month assuming your having sex at the right time


Sh • May 23, 2018
you're welcome! I know it's hard when friends get pregnant in a month or best friend got pregnant after 1 month..makes you feel like there must be something wrong. but don't worry, like i said it'll happen :)


Sandy 🎩 • May 23, 2018
Thanks so much. It’s a relief to know I’m not the only one and happy for you and your bundle of joy.! I’ll have to look into the preseed and geritol, I already have ovulation strips.